
Santosha – A mantra for balanced progress

Santosha is a Sanskrit term that, loosely translated, means contentment in the moment. When used in the discipline of Yoga, it refers to a point you’ll find while attempting any challenging pose. Stand up for a moment, trust me, doing this will be a turning point in your life if…

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Kokoda – A journey within

In the year 2000 I was in the Army Reserves and an opportunity came up to go to PNG and walk the Kokoda trail. Me being me, I’d trained for months before we left, I’d hike up Sublime point from Austinmer to Bulli tops with a 15kg pack, sometimes twice…

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A peek into my life – Positive habits for productive people

Like most busy professionals, I get a lot done. I also manage to enjoy large parts of each day. I prioritise time for my family and friends and exercise religiously to support my wellbeing. I’m not some sort of super hero or energiser bunny, and I’m certainly not perfect (trust…

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Wise up to Willpower

Recently I’ve been reading Roy Baumeister’s book ‘Will Power’ and it’s information is critical to anyone that’s trying to improve their lives, and I think that’s pretty much all of us! I created a workshop around ‘wise up to willpower’ based on his book and other new info I’ve come…

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Why are we so depressed?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about our societies unhealthy levels of depression, and I keep coming back to ‘why are we so depressed? The Black Dog Institute states that one in 5 Australians (aged 16 – 85) experience mental illness in any year. That’s a whopping 20% of our…

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