
Mental health at work - A growing concern by Jodie Cooper
Mental Health at Work – A growing concern

Mental health is a growing concern in Australian Workplaces (Bailey & Dollard, 2019). With one in five Australian adults report experiencing a mental health issue each year (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2009), an opportunity exists for Australian organisations to find practical solutions to improve mental health at work. Individuals reporting…

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Oh My….. I won. Reflections on my business journey.

It’s hard to fathom, almost 13 years after starting my business in life coaching in Wollongong, I’ve just been awarded IWIB Best Home Based Business, 2019. For those of you not in the Wollongong business networking community, IWIB stands for Illawarra Women in Business. It’s a strong community group and…

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Benefitis of Kindness at work byJodie Cooper
Benefits of Kindness at work

There are so many benefits of kindness at work. Recently I read ‘The five side effects of kindness’ by David R. Hamilton, PhD. The book provides solid research into why kindness is good for us and goes into depth about how it impacts our minds and bodies. Here I’ll use…

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Managing stress with a short walk outside
Managing Stress with Micro Recovery Periods

Managing stress is our generations universal challenge. Stress is such a big factor in most people’s lives these days we need to find a different approach to managing it. Traditionally we work forty-eight weeks of the year, and holiday for four. We expect this to revive and recuperate our minds…

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Positive Leadership is about bringing out the best in people
What is Positive Leadership

Interested in leadership, then you need to be asking “What is Positive Leadership”? Essentially the role of the positive leader is to nurture, support and lead both individuals and teams into becoming positive deviants. That is, taking positive action that is outside the normal expectations and requirements of the organisation;…

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Feeling grateful creates happiness
How practicing gratitude creates happiness

There is now abundant research showing how practicing gratitude creates happiness. Lyubomirsky in her book ‘The How of Happiness’ describes how gratitude creates happiness and I’d like to share her thoughts and how we put gratitude to practice in our family. By noticing the positives in our lives, gratitude enables…

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Adventures in Positivity Jodie Coopers Family
A little idea and a big lap of Oz

Adventures in Positivity was a little idea I had over a year ago. A concept that has since sprouted and grown wings to gently reshape my business and hopefully, inspire others to play with the theories and science of positive psychology in their own lives. It’s time for a change.…

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Positive Mindsets for Professionals

Positive mindsets for professionals are essential and will help improve your mindset and create a more positive work environment. Given that the average employee is unproductive for around 25% of their working day (and often stressed for the other 75%) there’s a lot of room for improvement in the average…

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Build mental strength
5 Ways to build mental strength

To build mental strength you need a few key elements and I’d like to share 5 simple ways to help you build mental strength. Much like building up physical strength it takes work, but there’s a hard way and an easy way to go about it. Any time you’re working…

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Smiling improves workplace wellbeing

I’ve noticed something about the way people smile and how that might affect your workplace wellbeing. Some people smile at everyone, even if they don’t know them or feel a little uncomfortable, they still smile. These people have a warm, open and endearing smile about them that says I’m happy…

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