“I have gained so much insight and inspiration from my sessions with Jodie. What an amazing, open and gorgeous woman! She has drawn the best out of me and helped me see the best in others and the world in general. Anyone who thinks their life can be better – It can be! So much I have worked through – I am truly a better Linda – with determination, vision and self confidence to boot! Not only is my life more positive, my mind feels as though it’s been opened to endless possibilities and my hands have been placed on the steering wheel of my life……… and I have gained an awesome friend too.”
Meet with Jodie Cooper
This is the first step to reaching your potential.
If you’re ready to explore your potential, I’m here to help.
Fill in the form and I’ll email you the details about my positive psychology coaching program and the way I work.
There’s no obligation, no hard sell, just a little information about the coaching investment, time frame and how I can support you to put yourself first again.
If you’re thinking about it, then meet with Jodie to find out more.
(Remember to keep an eye on your junk mail too.)
It’s your time.
Jodie xx

Happy Clients:

“When you feel good, you do good.
It really is as simple as that.”

Positive Psychology Coaching & Training Feedback

Linda Brown, Wollongong
“Thanks so much, again, for your help. You really did catch me when I was falling. You gave me the courage I needed too. I am so much happier, healthier, inspired, confident and excited… you played a big part in that!”
Jackie Parry, Author & Adventurer. Sistership Publications
“Jodie has given me the tools to manage stress and anxiety, and manage and priortise the ‘to do list’ without stress. Jodie’s given me ideas on how to communicate with my children better. My husband had noticed a big difference in my stress and anxiety, I’m more relaxed now. Coaching has enabled me to view my life in a more positive light.”
Kelly, Business Owner and Parent
“I have been seeing Jodie on an off for several years now, reconnecting whenever I have felt that I am not living my best life. Most recently, I reconnected when I was found unsuitable for an executive level position I had been working in for some time. My confidence had taken a hit and I was struggling in my role and in myself to continue moving forward. I began working with Jodie again, to increase my confidence and identify strengthens within myself that I thought we were lost. Over time my confidence and drive increased and I felt purpose come back to my position. My boss noticed the changed and gave me more and more opportunities to prove that I am a capable leader. Working on my confidence levels and with Jodie’s encouragement, I applied for other roles outside of my organisation to increase my interview skills. When roles within my organisation were advertised again (a year later for context) I approached the interview very differently and left with a feeling of accomplishment. A few months later I was found successful in the recruitment and now own my position permanently. I am continuing working with Jodie to help my leadership ability and increase myself believe in other areas of my life. After this I am sure Jodie will remain my first point of call for my next challenge in life. I would recommend Jodie to anyone who is looking for a bit of extra help in any areas of your life.”
Tamara Dyson, National Security
“I am currently being coached by Jodie Cooper and what can I say… I absolutely LOVE it!! Jodie has helped me in both my personal and business goals. She listens intently to my struggles and needs and offers creative solutions that have improved my business and my life as a happy and positive person. For quite sometime I was just working on my business day by day, project to project and not really growing or going anywhere. But now I have a clear vision as to where I’d like my business to go and how I’m going to get there.
Already in the few months I’ve been seeing her I’ve seen a growth in my business and I feel absolutely ecstatic about it. I highly recommend Jodie to absolutely anyone looking to improve their life and business in a happy and positive way. Thanks again Jodie. Love your work!”
Deidre Jones, Owner & Photographer. Dream Designs & Photography
“I’m so pleased that I decided to work with Jodie. Initially I was focused on building my professional capacity but Jodie’s mentoring has positively influenced so many aspects of my life. The skills and knowledge that I’ve developed have allowed me to successfully achieve my professional goals, though importantly build a strong foundation to be a more resilient and nurturing parent, friend and person. I can’t thank Jodie enough for her awesome inspiration and support.”
Andrew Williams, Senior Coasts and Estuaries Officer. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
“Jodie helped me organise my dreams, wishes and ideas into realistic and achievable goals. Her straight advice backed with plenty of real world experience gave me a ‘head start’ on my path to the goals I set. She packed so much information into all the life coaching sessions! Jodie’s’ coaching isn’t an expense- it’s an investment into your future. If you ever feel stuck, lost, clueless or wondering what to do next, Jodie Cooper is the person to turn to.”
Michael, Young Entrepreneur
“Jodie has been a wonderful coach and is really helping me to set and achieve goals and to practice self-care, which can be challenging with a baby and a toddler! Jodie is extremely kind, easy to talk to and provides many great strategies and ideas for personal and professional growth. She also gives amazing parenting advice! Very glad to have found her!”
Deborah Clark, Entrepreneur & Mum
“I came to see Jodie at the start of my Honours year in a Bachelor of Psychology because I was aware that certain aspects of my lifestyle (e.g. time management) were limiting my potential at University. Jodie helped me to implement meaningful change in a number of areas of my life that helped me to stay on track throughout a very challenging year. Jodie played a big part in helping me achieve first class honours and the best thesis mark from any student under my honours supervisor.
The sessions were enjoyable and engaging and helped me look at life from a different perspective. It amazed me how making a number of small, yet powerful changes made such a difference. My family and friends recognised how consistently I was able to work throughout the year and how much my time management improved. Jodie was also very happy to provide assistance outside our structured session times to help me get through periods when balancing course and thesis work seemed too much to handle. I truly appreciate your help, thank you Jodie.”
Jordan Schaefer, Honours Student. University of Wollongong
“I started coaching sessions with Jodie for a bit of help with public speaking but our sessions quickly turned into what I can only describe as the best soul searching, growth and development coaching I could have ever dreamed of. Jodie goes above and beyond and is so well educated in her field of positive psychology and mindset that she was able to give me tools to initiate life-long change that I can apply to all areas of my life. She really has changed my outlook on life and I couldn’t recommend her highly enough”.
Deb Bruce. Owner, Get Active Health Solutions
“I was coached by Jodie on her Positive Psychology program and absolutely loved it. Even years later, I still practice a lot of what Jodie taught me – I can’t recommend working with her enough!”
Kachina Dimmock, Content Collective Co
“Thank you for being an amazing mentor to me Jodie!
Your coaching always sees me walking away with restored clarity and being happy with what I already give, and who I am. I have made some great achievements and I should be proud. Yes, there is always room for self-improvement and reflection, but your approach is always positive and you never make me feel like I have failed. I’m truly grateful to you.”
Stacy Corbeski, Brand & Marketing Strategy. Aster Group
“I have been with Jodie’s work now for over 18 months. I have been diagnosed as suffering from ADHD for 10 years. Now the strand of ADHD that affects me is short term memory, lack of organisational skills, lack of future planning as well as anxiety coupled with depression. Everybody will no doubt have suffered from at least one of these problems if not more.
With a ADHD sufferer they experience it more intensely, more frequently and for longer. Jodie has been a major factor in bringing me out of the woods and 18 months down the track I have referred back to our work and I can honestly say that I have immediately achieved my smaller goals and now, even next week achieving my biggest goal which is travelling overseas on my own, as 18 months ago I saw it as an impossible and terrifying feat. If you’re not a sufferer of ADHD imagine what she could possibly do with/ for you.
Jodie’s work environment is very relaxed and we’ve had some good belly laughs as well. Thank you Jodie. I’m truly glad life sent me your way!”
Daryl Hockey, Heavy machinery operator
“Jodie Cooper is a breath of fresh air and a voice of reason in a world of uncertainty and regulation that is stifling business and impacting on quality lifestyles. Working with Jodie has been a delight, her insightful counsel and encouragement has helped me find a clear path to work life balance. I would highly recommend Jodie to any executive or business owner looking to change their life for the better and smell the roses.”
Phil Horan, Director, Innovating Energy
“Jodie is an absolutely wonderful coach! I have come to Jodie feeling vulnerable and her coaching sessions delves into positive psychology as well as self compassion and wellbeing. Jodie’s sessions has brought to light areas in my life that require attention and how we can use positive psychology to learn and uplift in times of feeling stuck. I recommend Jodie as a coach and I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to grow and learn with her coaching.”
Tiffany Karavsilis, Teacher. Port Kembla
For the last twenty nine years, I am now aware that I have been psychologically ‘beating my self up’ due to many awful decisions I had made in my personal and business life. This was the worst possible impediment one needs when wanting to support a family, look after employees and the interests of shareholders. On one hand my self-belief, intuition, training and skills would propel me into endeavours that were impossible at worst or extremely difficult at best. I came to believe that only I could find the worst possible way to attempt a project or undertake a new venture.
I realised very recently that I needed some help to overcome some problems about the way I approached things that I could not define let alone understand, and that I needed help. Those readers of this testimonial who know me would certainly say, “Yes, you needed help!” I contacted Jodie Cooper and she was gracious enough, after I had completed her Introductory Questionnaire, to spend an hour with me in a FREE interview. Jodie was sufficiently astute to quickly recognise my problem – she provided me with the key to unlock the shackles that I alone had placed around my entire approach to life. In days my personal and business life has turned around with tangible results to demonstrate that change. I am now able to say I made one smart decision in my life. Dear readers, the only way you will learn Jodie’s secret solution to problems that I admit I had, and that you might have, is to contact Jodie and invest in one of her coaching programs.
Bruce, Professional Trader
“I started seeing Jodie Mid October 2022. I had just ended a 3 year relationship. I felt I had lost my way, my identity, my motivation and needed guidance to get back on track. I felt comfortable with Jodie from the initial ‘get to know each other’ session.
Jodie is so knowledgeable and understanding and has really taken the time to get to know me deeply and guide me through difficult and confronting topics. I am gaining an understanding of how my brain works in different situations and continue to develop strategies to cope and work through things in a more positive and mindful way.
Jodie does check ins throughout the week to see how I am going or to offer encouragement and is always available if I have a question or I want to express my happiness of achieving a success or goal.
I would highly recommend Jodie to anyone wanting to explore ‘Positive Psychology’. It has had a profoundly positive affect on my life.”
Helen Grace, Specialist Educator
“As cliche as it may sound working with Jodie was literally life changing!!
I came to her at a time when I felt stuck and a little lost about many areas of my life. After first meeting her I instantly knew I was in good hands. The journey I on went with her, led to many positive changes in my life. I’ve learnt to shift my thinking and see things from an entirely new and positive perspective, I have gained an abundance of skills and techniques that continue to benefit me every day. From time to time I go back and “check in” with Jodie it is like coming home to an old friend. My spirit is immediately lifted and I am overcome with a vibe that stays with me for days.
I cannot thank the Universe enough for leading me to Jodie and would recommend her to anyone looking for some extra guidance with any area of life.”
Erin Weekes. Emergency Services
“I have different roles at home, work and in my community, and with this comes competing opportunities for how I live the hours of each day. I’ve learnt from Jodie that I can find greater joy when my daily actions are aligned with my personal values.
The time we spent clarifying my values and identifying ways I can live them in daily life was such an empowering exercise. Valuing my ‘intuition’ highly means I can tune in to it regularly, and use it to guide my decisions and actions, allowing me prioritise my other core values of mindfulness, health, family, simplicity, creativity, kindness, making a difference, community and learning.”
Robyn Johnson, Director. Blend ESQ and Host of Sustainability Podcast, Wollongong, Let’s Get Salty
“Jodie’s laughter session was an instant success with all carers. Jodie is a fantastic presenter, energetic, funny and exceeded carer’s expectations.Thank you!”
Myriam Marchant. Kiama Council