Music and Happiness

MusicAll of us at some stage have experienced how music can influence our moods. Travelling through foreign lands we often attach positive emotions to the local music and the places we visit. Think about the songs and sounds that give you that happy feeling and bring them back into your home life.

When a favourite song comes over the radio we are instantly transformed into happy, fun loving people despite the traffic or chaos all around us! Songs contain happy and positive memories and can be instrumental in changing our mood for the better. Create a CD of all of your favourite happy songs. Play them whenever you feel a little blue, or even while you’re doing a mundane task like housework.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly you mood lifts with your favourite music and how easy it is to bring a little of your travels home! Music Therapy is now a recognised medical field that utilises music to heal, relax and promote positive psychology in patients. Music has been found to help cancer patients, reduce depression, assist children diagnosed with ADD and even aid in pain management.

It’s time to dust off your music collection and bring to life all those wonderful memories and positive emotions!
This is a part of my book Bringing Happiness Home, it’s just one of 42 principles on Happiness. 