Mental health

Practicing mindfulness in a pandemic
Practicing mindfulness in a pandemic

Living through a pandemic isn’t easy, but practicing mindfulness can help A LOT. Mindfulness is getting a lot of attention in the corporate world at present because bringing mindfulness to work has some powerful benefits at both the individual and organisational levels. With our current pandemic increasing anxiety, uncertainty and…

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Neuroplasticity 101
What is neuroplasticity? – (The 101 version please)

Until recently, it was thought that the brain was hardwired, growing throughout adolescents then becoming a stable, unalterable mass. Through modern research we now understand that the brain is more plastic in nature. Neuroplasticity describes how the brain can reorganise itself by forming new neural connections throughout ones’ life, consistently…

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Willpower – Why it matters and how to make it work for you

Narelle Lemon and I graduated from our Masters of Applied Positive Psychology together last year. We clicked instantly and have been helping eachother ever since. Narelle invited me to do a podcast with her about Willpower, why it’s important and how you can get the most out of your brain.…

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Nature enables wellbeing
How nature enables wellbeing and what we’re doing about it

Spending time in nature enables wellbeing The more time we spend in nature, the calmer and more content we’re becoming. But why? What is it about nature that supports our physical and mental health and how can we make it work in our busy lives. Noticing nature We’ve been travelling…

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Sean Cooper_ Planning adventures in positivity
Dealing with anxiety and uncertainty – Yep, me too.

Dealing with anxiety and uncertainty is something I’m working through at the moment. We now have under 6 weeks to pack up our home, rent it out (eeek, the photographer is coming tomorrow), finish my masters, sell my car and basically get our affairs in order before we head off on…

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Mental health at work - A growing concern by Jodie Cooper
Mental Health at Work – A growing concern

Mental health is a growing concern in Australian Workplaces (Bailey & Dollard, 2019). With one in five Australian adults report experiencing a mental health issue each year (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2009), an opportunity exists for Australian organisations to find practical solutions to improve mental health at work. Individuals reporting…

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Benefitis of Kindness at work byJodie Cooper
Benefits of Kindness at work

There are so many benefits of kindness at work. Recently I read ‘The five side effects of kindness’ by David R. Hamilton, PhD. The book provides solid research into why kindness is good for us and goes into depth about how it impacts our minds and bodies. Here I’ll use…

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Managing stress with a short walk outside
Managing Stress with Micro Recovery Periods

Managing stress is our generations universal challenge. Stress is such a big factor in most people’s lives these days we need to find a different approach to managing it. Traditionally we work forty-eight weeks of the year, and holiday for four. We expect this to revive and recuperate our minds…

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