Andrew Severn, Projects Manager. Peoplecare

“I met Jodie at the suggestion of my employer, I’d lost motivation, was miserable to be around both at work and at home, and deep down I knew I wasn’t being the best “me” I could be.

The first session I had with Jodie was primarily me just sitting back and listening. There were lots of questions, time for reflection, and uncomfortable silence on occasion, but I was cautious and in hindsight I didn’t make it easy for Jodie. That evening I had time to think about what we talked about and it dawned on me that only I could make the changes I needed to make, and only if I wanted to change.

After that first session I did the homework, listened more intently, researched a little, and participated as best I could. Jodie was very insightful, and I learned a lot, mostly about myself. I learned to be in the moment, to value what’s important to me and use that as motivation to turn things around.

6 months later and I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I think I’m very close to being “me” again, even the family has noticed a big difference. I’m looking forward to the future and I’m indebted to Jodie for helping (challenging) me to find this path forward.”