How to build your positivity muscle

Strong armIt’s funny, often when I’m talking to clients I come up with random analogies that really work and give them a key message in an easy and interesting way. I was working with a client the other day and explaining that positivity isn’t simply something we were born with (we do inherit a generic steersman) but rather something that we can choose to work towards. 

I likened positive thinking to going to the gym. Now let’s imagine our right arm is our positivity muscle, and each day we go to the gym and lift weights we build that muscle. We do hundreds and hundreds of repetitions and the muscle slowly and steadily grows. You can lift more with the right arm now, you can work it out for longer and it feels strong and solid.

However, you’re left arm (let’s call it negativity) only gets a very rare workout when something negative or really challenging comes up. Let’s face it, our negative arm will always get some sort of workout, that’s life. But what we can choose to do is focus on building the positive side of our brain and strengthen the neural connections that make being positive easier, until pretty soon it just becomes second nature.  

So some simple things you can do to foster positivity: 1. Find 10 things that you’re grateful for today. (If you’re struggling check out my Facebook page for inspiration 2. Connect with a friend or loved one and compliment them. It will make them feel great and help you focus on the positives they have. 3. Be mindful of your thoughts. Noticing when you’re thinking negatively is the first step to shifting it. It’s only when you notice it that you have the power to choose to change. 

Good luck and if you need any help building up that positivity muscle drop me a line. (PS. Hope you enjoyed the gratuitous bicep shot! LOL) 


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