
Why Hope is Essential and How to Nurture It 5 _Jodie Cooper _ positive psychology coaching online wollongong
Why Hope is Essential and How to Nurture It in Our Complex Modern Society

In our fast-paced, complex modern society, hope is essential. Perhaps, more essential than it’s ever been before. I’ve been reading Humanity’s Moment by Joëlle Gergis, which is a climate scientists case for hope. It’s terrifying and optimistic. Devastating and inspiring. Overwhelming and exciting. To say there’s some conflicting emotions as…

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Jodie Cooper Positive Psychology coaching online and life coaching wollongong and workplace wellbeing_2023 (1)
Elevate Your Success: Executive Coaching in Wollongong with Jodie Cooper

In today’s fast paced and demanding professional world, the need for executive coaching has never been more critical. The challenges and pressures faced by professionals are continually growing, making it essential to manage stress, rebuild confidence, and achieve a better work life balance. Jodie Cooper’s executive coaching program in Wollongong…

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Willpower – Why it matters and how to make it work for you

Narelle Lemon and I graduated from our Masters of Applied Positive Psychology together last year. We clicked instantly and have been helping eachother ever since. Narelle invited me to do a podcast with her about Willpower, why it’s important and how you can get the most out of your brain.…

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Sean Cooper_ Planning adventures in positivity
Dealing with anxiety and uncertainty – Yep, me too.

Dealing with anxiety and uncertainty is something I’m working through at the moment. We now have under 6 weeks to pack up our home, rent it out (eeek, the photographer is coming tomorrow), finish my masters, sell my car and basically get our affairs in order before we head off on…

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Oh My….. I won. Reflections on my business journey.

It’s hard to fathom, almost 13 years after starting my business in life coaching in Wollongong, I’ve just been awarded IWIB Best Home Based Business, 2019. For those of you not in the Wollongong business networking community, IWIB stands for Illawarra Women in Business. It’s a strong community group and…

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Adventures in Positivity Jodie Coopers Family
A little idea and a big lap of Oz

Adventures in Positivity was a little idea I had over a year ago. A concept that has since sprouted and grown wings to gently reshape my business and hopefully, inspire others to play with the theories and science of positive psychology in their own lives. It’s time for a change.…

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To Do list essentials for busy professionals

The most common issue I come across with busy professionals is too much to do and too little time. What I find intriguing though, is that when I ask about their personal productivity, most professionals rate themselves around 70%, perhaps 80% on a good day. So, what’s going on? The…

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The Shoeshine Boy

This is a beautiful book about a young boy in South America that’s a shoe shine boy in an airport. Two American businessmen see him and begin to teach him some of the essentials of both life and business. Without going through the whole story I wanted to share some…

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