Losing weight with your mind

WeightIf you’ve been struggling with your weight for some time, then this is the course for you. Statistics suggest that only around 2-4% of diets actually work. Staggering isn’t it! Yet people keep going back and trying new fads, shakes or gadgets to try loose weight.

The diet industry is now worth around $100 billion! Is it any wonder were getting bigger as a society and not actually fixing the problem?

Understanding how your mind works is the first step to loosing weight. When you learn what your triggers are to eating and how you can control and change them, everything changes.

If you’re ready to take the step and come along to this course, you’ll learn: Facts on dieting, the science of weight loss, the role of thoughts and emotions and learning to change them to think differently. We’ll also cover strategies for change and how to make it sustainable long term. The course is $97 and will be run on the 19th of February. 2013. Spots are limited so book now.


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