Learn to let go

learn to let go

I was recently at the Nan Tien Temple for a simple meditation retreat and at the end of each session they have a discussion about different aspects of personal development. The one I attended was on ‘Letting go’. We did a beautiful walking meditation which is a very slow and deliberate walk with bare feet over soft grass, with each step we thought about letting go and moving on.

Nan Tien Temple

During the discussion group, they spoke about the challenge of letting go of your worries and how many of us hold on to our worries and problems much like rocks in our heart. When we turned our worries into rocks they became much easier to identify and name, it was amazing what holding on to your problems does both physically and emotionally.

The final step in the process was to imaging those rocks in your hand, Hold on to them as tight as you can out in front of you and think how much energy they are constantly absorbing from your life. Then open your hand and allow the rocks to drop to the floor.

The energy in the room instantly shifted. Some people were emotional, some were simple lighter, but it effected every single one of us. The imagination is a powerful thing. Imagine letting go and moving on was as simple as opening up the palm of your hand… Ah, what then!

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