
Book review of Essentialism by Greg McKeown blog banner_Jodie Cooper _ positive psychology coaching online wollongong
Book Review of Essentialism: Embracing the Power of Less

At the core of essentialism is doing less but achieving more. I think we could all agree, that’s a pretty cool idea! In the chaos of modern life, where busyness often overshadows productivity, the concept of essentialism gives us hope to regain our clarity and focus. Greg McKeown’s book, “Essentialism:…

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Prioritising health_Jodie Cooper_Positive psychology coach_working with wellbeing_2023
Prioritising Health: Wellbeing Habits for a Busy Wonder Woman

In a world that often feels like a sh!tstorm of responsibilities, it’s easy for the modern professional woman (that’s you and me) to not be prioritising health. Unfortunately, this week I’ve fallen into this trap. (Yes, seriously, after 18 years, you’d think I’d know better.) But we’re all learning together…

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Why Hope is Essential and How to Nurture It 5 _Jodie Cooper _ positive psychology coaching online wollongong
Why Hope is Essential and How to Nurture It in Our Complex Modern Society

In our fast-paced, complex modern society, hope is essential. Perhaps, more essential than it’s ever been before. I’ve been reading Humanity’s Moment by Joëlle Gergis, which is a climate scientists case for hope. It’s terrifying and optimistic. Devastating and inspiring. Overwhelming and exciting. To say there’s some conflicting emotions as…

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The expectation gap – are the “Jones’s” wrecking your life?

Imagine you could choose between earning $50,000 or $100,000 each year. Pretty silly question, right? Well, actually, there’s some interesting data that indicates the majority of people would choose the $50,000. The choice was $50,000 – providing that everyone else was only earning $25,000. Or $100,000 – but everyone else…

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Practicing self compassion_Jodie Cooper_positive psychology coach and wellbeing workshops_2023
Practicing Self Compassion – to rebuild confidence

Practicing self compassion may well be one of the most important things you do this year. Too many people focus on what they do wrong, where they failed or the times they missed the mark instead of noticing the things they did well. (Which is pretty normal when we take…

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Practicing mindfulness in a pandemic
Practicing mindfulness in a pandemic

Living through a pandemic isn’t easy, but practicing mindfulness can help A LOT. Mindfulness is getting a lot of attention in the corporate world at present because bringing mindfulness to work has some powerful benefits at both the individual and organisational levels. With our current pandemic increasing anxiety, uncertainty and…

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Nature enables wellbeing
How nature enables wellbeing and what we’re doing about it

Spending time in nature enables wellbeing The more time we spend in nature, the calmer and more content we’re becoming. But why? What is it about nature that supports our physical and mental health and how can we make it work in our busy lives. Noticing nature We’ve been travelling…

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Timboon effect adventures in positivity
The Timboon Effect – Building a strong community

The Timboon Effect occurs when several factors in a small town coincide to support and empower the community to be their best, both collectively and individually. Allow me to explain. Timboon is a small town in the South West corner of Victoria. With around 800 residents, many of which are…

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Why questioning your values is essential for happiness

Questioning your values is essential for happiness. Knowing and more importantly living your values creates happiness. Your values are the things you hold dear and place above all else in your life. If you haven’t consciously thought through your values, there’s a good chance you living the values dictated by…

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Practcing gratitude with the family_adventures in positivity_2020
Practicing gratitude with the family

Practicing gratitude with the family is different from doing it on your own. For a start, not everyone will have a natural affinity with noticing and appreciating the positive. Let along expressing it. Today I’ll share how we’ve been practicing gratitude with the family recently and why we’ve needed it…

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