What is Self Compassion
Kristen Neff defines three core elements of self compassion. The first is to recognise your own thoughts and emotions, let’s call that mindfulness. Then, try to let go of judging thoughts and emotions as right or wrong. The second is to identify that all humans invariably stuff up at some point. You are definitely not alone in feeling like you’re struggling. Finally, it’s applying a little kindness to yourself. Find a way that you can be understanding and cut yourself some slack in the moment.
Three elements of Self Compassion;
Practicing self compassion is reflecting on a professional mistake (like missing a deadline) and being able to move forward. You could say to yourself, “It’s OK, I’ve done as much as I could, and given the circumstances, it’s surprising I got this far. Actually, I need to take a break right now (rather than getting wound up and feeling overwhelmed) and that makes me a normal person.” When you give yourself that freedom and space it means there is less room for guilt or shame. With self compassion there’s no space to beat yourself up and you can move forward in the kindest possible way.
Practicing Self Compassion
I’m sure there is a little room in your life and your day to be kind to yourself. If you’re been thinking “What is Self Compassion?” now you know. If it sounds like a challenging principle, here are three simple ways to practice self compassion:
- Think of what your best friend would say, then take their kind words and make them yours.
- Create some space from the issue. Take a walk, shift your energy and just breathe for a while.
- Gain a new perspective. Rethink the big picture and ask if this will still matter five years from now.
- Do something positive for your body. Rest, stretch, eat something healthy or go outdoors and play.
- Connect with someone you know will re-energise you and lift your spirits. (This may well be a dog!)
There will always be periods in your life to challenge yourself and push yourself, self compassion is really about recognising the times you need to consolidate and be kind and put that growth and ambition to the side for another day.
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