It’s OK to judge

high heels-spikesSometimes I judge people wearing high heals (or stupid looking spikes), and sometimes I judge people with bare feet. Sometimes I judge people who give their kids junk food and sometimes I judge people who refuse thier kids any sweets. I was thinking this morning on how and when we judge and the way it’s only ever relevant to that moment and the way we see the world at a particular point in time. I used to judge Mums who lick their finger to clean a grubby kids face, now it’s something I do on a regular basis… (I don’t like it at all, but yes, I do it!)

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that it’s nice to think that we can not judge others, but we will always have thoughts that pop up and we can’t control. It’s not good or bad it’s just the way our brain works. So rather than trying not to judge others I try to recognise those judgements for what they are, simple ramblings of an intrested brain, and not get attached to them.

Where judgement goes wrong is when we make the people who are wearing high heals or feeding their kids junk food, wrong. We not only judge them but make it mean they arn’t as good or sensible or worthy as us. We become attached to our judgment as the only or best way to do things, and that’s not healtly or helpful for anyone! So, next time you see the lady with bare feet feeding her kid chocolate, and you’re ready to jodge, think… I’m sure she’s doing the best she can, I’d certainly do things differently but perhaps I’ll be doing exactly the same thing were our cercimstances reversed.  


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