Positive Psychology

4 Ways to improve phone hygiene

Firstly, you may well ask “What is phone hygiene?” Simple, it’s the way we keep our phone clean and ensure it improves our wellbeing rather than detracting from it. Most people never think of decluttering their phone. Imagine if you walked into your office and every drawer, cabinet and cupboard…

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Positive Psychology Coaching - A book review by Jodie Cooper
Positive Psychology Coaching – A book review you need to read

This is a brilliant book by Robert Biswas Diener and Ben Dean on how positive psychology enables individuals and organisations to flourish. It covers the relevant studies, interventions, ideas and delivers it in a digestible format. Here are some of the key points of the book in review. Jim Clifton,…

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Positivity books
Positivity – A new way to thrive

I read a lot. My latest book is one of my favorites, Positivity by Barbara Fredrickson. I’ve been aware of her work for a long time, but reading her book has brought her research to life and really highlighted why positivity is so important! Below I’ve summarised what I found…

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Simple truths for positive business people

I’ve been listening to Gretchen Rubin for the last few months and I adore the way she blends hard science with personal commentary. Within her ‘Happiness Project’ Gretchin identifies her ’12 Commandments’ and with clarity explains how these simple rules help guide her life and business. I thought it was…

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Stuff Happens – The heavy lifting of positivity

Nothing would give me more pleasure than telling you that after 11 years as a coach, and studying the ins and outs of happiness, that there’s a golden light at the end of the tunnel where you live happily ever after and life is a long string of joy, love…

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Positive Leadership is about bringing out the best in people
The Business of Happiness

In today’s fast paced society it’s hard enough to be happy when we’re on holidays, let along being happy at work! There are so many demands on our time. More often than not we feel overwhelmed and stressed just thinking about trying to reach that elusive goal of happiness. The…

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what is positive psychology by Jodie Cooper
What is Positive Psychology?

What is Positive Psychology? To answer the question of what is positive psychology, first we must understand traditional psychology. Imagine for a moment that we all reside on a mental wellbeing scale of minus ten to positive ten. Minus ten indicates someone with poor mental health who is struggling to function…

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Wise up to Willpower

Recently I’ve been reading Roy Baumeister’s book ‘Will Power’ and it’s information is critical to anyone that’s trying to improve their lives, and I think that’s pretty much all of us! I created a workshop around ‘wise up to willpower’ based on his book and other new info I’ve come…

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