What is success really?

Walk along any beautiful beach anywhere in the world and you can find success just by looking around and noticing the magnificent planet we live on. Feel uplifted and inspired by the beauty around you and notice how the happiness within you begins to spread. You don’t need to be on holidays to notice how beautiful our world is.

Success can’t be based only on finance, or only on your relationships, or only on physical health. Success must be a complete picture where all the aspects of your life are working for you and you’re able to enjoy each of them, together or separately.

In order to achieve holistic success, take stock of the following areas of your life and think about what may need to change. Lifestyle, Personal development, Finances, Fun and recreation, Relationships, Spirituality, Social life, Career, Health and fitness.

Determine what success means to you and through reaching for it you will achieve happiness. This is a part of my book Bringing Happiness Home, it’s just one of 42 principles on Happiness.



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