
Self Compassion_Jodie Cooper positive psychology coach and speaker. What is Self Compassion?
What is Self Compassion

I’m often asked “What is Self Compassion?” Well, to make it really simple, it’s being kind to yourself. It’s interesting how business works, it seems clients’ always come in clusters with similar challenges. With each group of clients I find there is a message for me, something pertinent that I…

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How Play changed my mind

I recently used the intervention of Play to improve my own personal wellbeing as an assignment, and I loved it. Here’s how it went…. Like most professionals, sometimes my life can become demanding. I have two children (aged 6 & 7), run my own business, am undertaking the MAPP, am…

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5 Strategies to improve workplace wellbeing

Positive Psychology is probably a term you’ve heard, but perhaps haven’t had the time to investigate. It is the science and study of wellbeing and has practical applications at the individual, community and organisational levels. This article explores 5 principles and how they can support you to improve your workplace…

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To Do list essentials for busy professionals

The most common issue I come across with busy professionals is too much to do and too little time. What I find intriguing though, is that when I ask about their personal productivity, most professionals rate themselves around 70%, perhaps 80% on a good day. So, what’s going on? The…

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4 Ways to improve phone hygiene

Firstly, you may well ask “What is phone hygiene?” Simple, it’s the way we keep our phone clean and ensure it improves our wellbeing rather than detracting from it. Most people never think of decluttering their phone. Imagine if you walked into your office and every drawer, cabinet and cupboard…

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positive social change
A local woman inspiring positive social change

Recently I was presenting my public speaking course at Wollongong Uni, and a participant gave a beautiful presentation on her stance against consumerism. Inspiring positive social change is why I do what I do, and I loved her talk so much I invited Tracy to write a blog explaining what she’s doing…

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Positive Psychology Coaching - A book review by Jodie Cooper
Positive Psychology Coaching – A book review you need to read

This is a brilliant book by Robert Biswas Diener and Ben Dean on how positive psychology enables individuals and organisations to flourish. It covers the relevant studies, interventions, ideas and delivers it in a digestible format. Here are some of the key points of the book in review. Jim Clifton,…

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Santosha – A mantra for balanced progress

Santosha is a Sanskrit term that, loosely translated, means contentment in the moment. When used in the discipline of Yoga, it refers to a point you’ll find while attempting any challenging pose. Stand up for a moment, trust me, doing this will be a turning point in your life if…

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Positivity books
Positivity – A new way to thrive

I read a lot. My latest book is one of my favorites, Positivity by Barbara Fredrickson. I’ve been aware of her work for a long time, but reading her book has brought her research to life and really highlighted why positivity is so important! Below I’ve summarised what I found…

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