
Jodie Cooper Positive Psychology coaching online and life coaching wollongong and workplace wellbeing_2023 (1)
Elevate Your Success: Executive Coaching in Wollongong with Jodie Cooper

In today’s fast paced and demanding professional world, the need for executive coaching has never been more critical. The challenges and pressures faced by professionals are continually growing, making it essential to manage stress, rebuild confidence, and achieve a better work life balance. Jodie Cooper’s executive coaching program in Wollongong…

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Practicing self compassion_Jodie Cooper_positive psychology coach and wellbeing workshops_2023
Practicing Self Compassion – to rebuild confidence

Practicing self compassion may well be one of the most important things you do this year. Too many people focus on what they do wrong, where they failed or the times they missed the mark instead of noticing the things they did well. (Which is pretty normal when we take…

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Willpower – Why it matters and how to make it work for you

Narelle Lemon and I graduated from our Masters of Applied Positive Psychology together last year. We clicked instantly and have been helping eachother ever since. Narelle invited me to do a podcast with her about Willpower, why it’s important and how you can get the most out of your brain.…

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Why questioning your values is essential for happiness

Questioning your values is essential for happiness. Knowing and more importantly living your values creates happiness. Your values are the things you hold dear and place above all else in your life. If you haven’t consciously thought through your values, there’s a good chance you living the values dictated by…

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Oh My….. I won. Reflections on my business journey.

It’s hard to fathom, almost 13 years after starting my business in life coaching in Wollongong, I’ve just been awarded IWIB Best Home Based Business, 2019. For those of you not in the Wollongong business networking community, IWIB stands for Illawarra Women in Business. It’s a strong community group and…

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Positive Leadership is about bringing out the best in people
What is Positive Leadership

Interested in leadership, then you need to be asking “What is Positive Leadership”? Essentially the role of the positive leader is to nurture, support and lead both individuals and teams into becoming positive deviants. That is, taking positive action that is outside the normal expectations and requirements of the organisation;…

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Positive Mindsets for Professionals

Positive mindsets for professionals are essential and will help improve your mindset and create a more positive work environment. Given that the average employee is unproductive for around 25% of their working day (and often stressed for the other 75%) there’s a lot of room for improvement in the average…

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Build mental strength
5 Ways to build mental strength

To build mental strength you need a few key elements and I’d like to share 5 simple ways to help you build mental strength. Much like building up physical strength it takes work, but there’s a hard way and an easy way to go about it. Any time you’re working…

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Self Compassion_Jodie Cooper positive psychology coach and speaker. What is Self Compassion?
What is Self Compassion

I’m often asked “What is Self Compassion?” Well, to make it really simple, it’s being kind to yourself. It’s interesting how business works, it seems clients’ always come in clusters with similar challenges. With each group of clients I find there is a message for me, something pertinent that I…

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A shy little girl
A shy little girl morphs into to a confident woman

People see me as confident, but they don’t know the real me and they don’t know the story behind my confidence, so, here it is. The truth about how I became confident, because I certainly wasn’t born that way! My Mum is amazing, the best Mum I could every hope…

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