
The expectation gap – are the “Jones’s” wrecking your life?

Imagine you could choose between earning $50,000 or $100,000 each year. Pretty silly question, right? Well, actually, there’s some interesting data that indicates the majority of people would choose the $50,000. The choice was $50,000 – providing that everyone else was only earning $25,000. Or $100,000 – but everyone else…

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What is iGen? – And how can we help them?

What is iGen? They are the generation born in 1995 and later. They grew up with the Internet and could swipe before they could walk. Unlike any generation before them they have had unlimited access to the internet and have been shaped by this engagement with devices. I’ve recently read…

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Practicing mindfulness in a pandemic
Practicing mindfulness in a pandemic

Living through a pandemic isn’t easy, but practicing mindfulness can help A LOT. Mindfulness is getting a lot of attention in the corporate world at present because bringing mindfulness to work has some powerful benefits at both the individual and organisational levels. With our current pandemic increasing anxiety, uncertainty and…

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Play can help us deal with stress and become more resilient

Last year, Narelle Lemon and I graduated from our Masters of Applied Positive Psychology together. Funnily enough, on that first scary day at Uni almost three years ago, Narelle sat next to eachother and just clicked. We helped eachother through Uni and became firm friends in the process. Narelle has…

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Neuroplasticity 101
What is neuroplasticity? – (The 101 version please)

Until recently, it was thought that the brain was hardwired, growing throughout adolescents then becoming a stable, unalterable mass. Through modern research we now understand that the brain is more plastic in nature. Neuroplasticity describes how the brain can reorganise itself by forming new neural connections throughout ones’ life, consistently…

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Willpower – Why it matters and how to make it work for you

Narelle Lemon and I graduated from our Masters of Applied Positive Psychology together last year. We clicked instantly and have been helping eachother ever since. Narelle invited me to do a podcast with her about Willpower, why it’s important and how you can get the most out of your brain.…

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Why questioning your values is essential for happiness

Questioning your values is essential for happiness. Knowing and more importantly living your values creates happiness. Your values are the things you hold dear and place above all else in your life. If you haven’t consciously thought through your values, there’s a good chance you living the values dictated by…

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Practcing gratitude with the family_adventures in positivity_2020
Practicing gratitude with the family

Practicing gratitude with the family is different from doing it on your own. For a start, not everyone will have a natural affinity with noticing and appreciating the positive. Let along expressing it. Today I’ll share how we’ve been practicing gratitude with the family recently and why we’ve needed it…

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The Cooper Family - #adventuresinpositivity
Learning to Simplify my life

Learning to simplify my life has been a challenge for the last 6 months. We’re pretty normal people. Well, I think so anyway. Yet we still seem to accumulate ‘stuff’ despite our ‘anti-consumerism’ stance. Kids birthday gift’s, hand me downs, and Christmas are the main culprits. Whenever I got cranky…

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Sean Cooper_ Planning adventures in positivity
Dealing with anxiety and uncertainty – Yep, me too.

Dealing with anxiety and uncertainty is something I’m working through at the moment. We now have under 6 weeks to pack up our home, rent it out (eeek, the photographer is coming tomorrow), finish my masters, sell my car and basically get our affairs in order before we head off on…

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