
Mental health at work - A growing concern by Jodie Cooper
Mental Health at Work – A growing concern

Mental health is a growing concern in Australian Workplaces (Bailey & Dollard, 2019). With one in five Australian adults report experiencing a mental health issue each year (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2009), an opportunity exists for Australian organisations to find practical solutions to improve mental health at work. Individuals reporting…

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Benefitis of Kindness at work byJodie Cooper
Benefits of Kindness at work

There are so many benefits of kindness at work. Recently I read ‘The five side effects of kindness’ by David R. Hamilton, PhD. The book provides solid research into why kindness is good for us and goes into depth about how it impacts our minds and bodies. Here I’ll use…

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Managing stress with a short walk outside
Managing Stress with Micro Recovery Periods

Managing stress is our generations universal challenge. Stress is such a big factor in most people’s lives these days we need to find a different approach to managing it. Traditionally we work forty-eight weeks of the year, and holiday for four. We expect this to revive and recuperate our minds…

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Feeling grateful creates happiness
How practicing gratitude creates happiness

There is now abundant research showing how practicing gratitude creates happiness. Lyubomirsky in her book ‘The How of Happiness’ describes how gratitude creates happiness and I’d like to share her thoughts and how we put gratitude to practice in our family. By noticing the positives in our lives, gratitude enables…

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Positive Mindsets for Professionals

Positive mindsets for professionals are essential and will help improve your mindset and create a more positive work environment. Given that the average employee is unproductive for around 25% of their working day (and often stressed for the other 75%) there’s a lot of room for improvement in the average…

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Build mental strength
5 Ways to build mental strength

To build mental strength you need a few key elements and I’d like to share 5 simple ways to help you build mental strength. Much like building up physical strength it takes work, but there’s a hard way and an easy way to go about it. Any time you’re working…

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Self Compassion_Jodie Cooper positive psychology coach and speaker. What is Self Compassion?
What is Self Compassion

I’m often asked “What is Self Compassion?” Well, to make it really simple, it’s being kind to yourself. It’s interesting how business works, it seems clients’ always come in clusters with similar challenges. With each group of clients I find there is a message for me, something pertinent that I…

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How Play changed my mind

I recently used the intervention of Play to improve my own personal wellbeing as an assignment, and I loved it. Here’s how it went…. Like most professionals, sometimes my life can become demanding. I have two children (aged 6 & 7), run my own business, am undertaking the MAPP, am…

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5 Strategies to improve workplace wellbeing

Positive Psychology is probably a term you’ve heard, but perhaps haven’t had the time to investigate. It is the science and study of wellbeing and has practical applications at the individual, community and organisational levels. This article explores 5 principles and how they can support you to improve your workplace…

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Santosha – A mantra for balanced progress

Santosha is a Sanskrit term that, loosely translated, means contentment in the moment. When used in the discipline of Yoga, it refers to a point you’ll find while attempting any challenging pose. Stand up for a moment, trust me, doing this will be a turning point in your life if…

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