Positive Psychology

Local is our future book summary by Jodie COoper _2024
“Local is Our Future” by Helena Norberg-Hodge – A book summary

“Local is Our Future” by Helena Norberg-Hodge is a compelling book offering localism as a solution to the world’s most pressing issues. Norberg-Hodge is an advocate for local economies, communities and sustainable living. She presents a thought-provoking argument for the importance of returning to a more local way of life.…

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What is Humble Inquiry, and How Can It Improve Workplace Culture _Jodie Cooper _ positive psychology coaching online wollongong
What is Humble Inquiry, and How Can It Improve Workplace Culture?

In this blog post, we’ll explore what is Humble Inquiry, its principles, and how it can play a vital role in improving your workplace culture. The concept was developed by renowned organisational theorist Edgar Schein… who’s kinda a hero of mine. In the ever-evolving landscape of modern workplaces, fostering effective…

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Jodie Cooper Positive Psychology coaching online and life coaching wollongong and workplace wellbeing_2023 (1)
Elevate Your Success: Executive Coaching in Wollongong with Jodie Cooper

In today’s fast paced and demanding professional world, the need for executive coaching has never been more critical. The challenges and pressures faced by professionals are continually growing, making it essential to manage stress, rebuild confidence, and achieve a better work life balance. Jodie Cooper’s executive coaching program in Wollongong…

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The expectation gap – are the “Jones’s” wrecking your life?

Imagine you could choose between earning $50,000 or $100,000 each year. Pretty silly question, right? Well, actually, there’s some interesting data that indicates the majority of people would choose the $50,000. The choice was $50,000 – providing that everyone else was only earning $25,000. Or $100,000 – but everyone else…

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Practicing self compassion_Jodie Cooper_positive psychology coach and wellbeing workshops_2023
Practicing Self Compassion – to rebuild confidence

Practicing self compassion may well be one of the most important things you do this year. Too many people focus on what they do wrong, where they failed or the times they missed the mark instead of noticing the things they did well. (Which is pretty normal when we take…

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Practcing gratitude with the family_adventures in positivity_2020
Practicing gratitude with the family

Practicing gratitude with the family is different from doing it on your own. For a start, not everyone will have a natural affinity with noticing and appreciating the positive. Let along expressing it. Today I’ll share how we’ve been practicing gratitude with the family recently and why we’ve needed it…

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The Geography of Bliss book review by Jodie Cooper
The Geography of Bliss By Eric Weiner – A Book Review

The Geography of Bliss was one of the books I piled up months ago in anticipation of this trip. I thought it would be the perfect way to start our adventures, reading about how geography impacts your happiness. Written by Eric Weiner, the Geography of Bliss spans ten countries and…

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Feeling grateful creates happiness
How practicing gratitude creates happiness

There is now abundant research showing how practicing gratitude creates happiness. Lyubomirsky in her book ‘The How of Happiness’ describes how gratitude creates happiness and I’d like to share her thoughts and how we put gratitude to practice in our family. By noticing the positives in our lives, gratitude enables…

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Adventures in Positivity Jodie Coopers Family
A little idea and a big lap of Oz

Adventures in Positivity was a little idea I had over a year ago. A concept that has since sprouted and grown wings to gently reshape my business and hopefully, inspire others to play with the theories and science of positive psychology in their own lives. It’s time for a change.…

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Self Compassion_Jodie Cooper positive psychology coach and speaker. What is Self Compassion?
What is Self Compassion

I’m often asked “What is Self Compassion?” Well, to make it really simple, it’s being kind to yourself. It’s interesting how business works, it seems clients’ always come in clusters with similar challenges. With each group of clients I find there is a message for me, something pertinent that I…

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