
A shy little girl
A shy little girl morphs into to a confident woman

People see me as confident, but they don’t know the real me and they don’t know the story behind my confidence, so, here it is. The truth about how I became confident, because I certainly wasn’t born that way! My Mum is amazing, the best Mum I could every hope…

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Post it notes
Business Values bring everything together

Recently I attended a business conference where we were encouraged to write our business values down. I’ve always known my personal values, but I didn’t see how my business values would help, being it’s generally just me in the business. However, the business is growing. I now have a Marketing…

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prayer flags
Annapurna – A Nepalese adventure

It was 5am and freezing cold as we shuffled into a taxi that looked like it had already driven across china and back, that morning. When I say it was average, I mean the brakes were supplemented by the hand brake as the hills got steeper and the suspension was…

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Kindness Crew – A new idea for your advent calendar

Jodie Cooper and Stephanie Meades developed the kindness calendar in 2016 as a simple way to promote kindness in schools, homes and workplaces. Together they formed the Kindness Crew and are on a mission to make kindness a priority in the lead up to Christmas. Each calendar has 24 Random…

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Buddha 2017
Buddha – The Prince who became a Monk who found enlightenment

This is a book review of Buddha. A book written by Deepak Chopra, it’s a fictional work of Siddhartha Gutama’s life, the Prince who became a Monk who found enlightenment. The review is my take on the highlights of the story only. Siddhartha was born a Prince to King Suddhodana and…

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Simple truths for positive business people

I’ve been listening to Gretchen Rubin for the last few months and I adore the way she blends hard science with personal commentary. Within her ‘Happiness Project’ Gretchin identifies her ’12 Commandments’ and with clarity explains how these simple rules help guide her life and business. I thought it was…

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Stuff Happens – The heavy lifting of positivity

Nothing would give me more pleasure than telling you that after 11 years as a coach, and studying the ins and outs of happiness, that there’s a golden light at the end of the tunnel where you live happily ever after and life is a long string of joy, love…

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Kokoda – A journey within

In the year 2000 I was in the Army Reserves and an opportunity came up to go to PNG and walk the Kokoda trail. Me being me, I’d trained for months before we left, I’d hike up Sublime point from Austinmer to Bulli tops with a 15kg pack, sometimes twice…

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A peek into my life – Positive habits for productive people

Like most busy professionals, I get a lot done. I also manage to enjoy large parts of each day. I prioritise time for my family and friends and exercise religiously to support my wellbeing. I’m not some sort of super hero or energiser bunny, and I’m certainly not perfect (trust…

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Laura at School
Why Positive Education is taking the World by Storm

OK, So you may not have heard about Positive Education YET, but believe me, it’s coming to a school near you! Positive Education is an offshoot of Positive Psychology (the study of well-being) and quite simply is the application of Positive Psychology into an educational setting. It’s well researched and…

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Sean and Laura Cooper
Positive Leadership – A snapshot!

My husband was recently accused of bullying…. By our six-year-old daughter. Laura came home from school telling me how she learned all about bullying at School. Later that evening when my husband, very respectfully I might add, asked her to put her pyjamas on for bed, she turned around, put…

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Positive Leadership is about bringing out the best in people
The Business of Happiness

In today’s fast paced society it’s hard enough to be happy when we’re on holidays, let along being happy at work! There are so many demands on our time. More often than not we feel overwhelmed and stressed just thinking about trying to reach that elusive goal of happiness. The…

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